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NTMA Digital Annual Report

NTMA Interactive Report

The objective of this site was to provide an easy to use online version of the printed NTMA Annual Report. A key issue was to avoid the user having to scroll through long pages of text. Following key stakeholder discussions, a concept was developed and then prototyped,


NTA Wireframes

Brought in as a UI/UX consultant at an early stage of the project, my role was to provide low-fidelity prototypes on how current content could be presented within the NTA’s existing site architecture and then demonstrate how the same information could appear in a mobile

On Yer Bike App - Sample Screen

On Yer Bike App Design

Commissioned by Foroige, Ireland’s leading youth organisation, this App project was run with the young people as the hands-on client. I led several design and UI workshops and worked with the team to produce the final wireframes and designs for handover to developers.

IOES - Homepage

IOES Website

The IoES are Ireland’s only fully comprehensive sub-speciality eye centre. As the Digital lead of the rebrand team I was responsible for managing the content gathering, UI design, development and roll-out of the website. As Project Manager and UX consultant, my primary focus was in developing